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Linguistics and World Language Teaching

A research guide for educators concerned with the teaching and learning of world languages

Journals Information

In the box below, journal titles are listed alphabetically with links to either open access sites or library databases. Some journals are bilingual or include articles written in a language other than English, while some are geographically oriented.  The highlighted journals are selected to represent each area of language study at USAFA and their links are located in the alphabetical listing of journal titles.

  • Arabic:  Al-ʿArabiyya, Arabi: Journal of Arabic Studies, International Journal of Arabic Linguistics, IJ-ALT: International Journal of Arabic Teaching and Learning, TAFL Journal
  • Chinese:  Chinese as a Second Language, Chinese as a Second Language Research, Chinese Language Teaching Methodology and Technology, Journal of Chinese Linguistics, Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching
  • French:  Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics, Canadian Modern Language Review, Éducation et francophonie, Journal of French Language Studies, The French Review, les Revues Synergies du GERFLINT
  • German:  Die Unterrichtspraxis, German as a Foreign Language, Journal of Comparative German Linguistics, Zeitschrift für interkulturellen Fremdsprachenunterricht
  • Japanese:  JALT Journal, Japanese Language and Literature, Journal of Japanese Language Teaching, Journal of Japanese Studies
  • Portuguese:  Hispania, Portuguese Language Journal, Spanish and Portuguese Review
  • Russian:  Journal of Slavic Linguistics, Russian Language Journal, Russian Linguistics
  • Spanish: Hispania, Journal of Spanish Language Teaching, RILE, Spanish and Portuguese Review, Spanish in Context


General Higher Education Journals

Journal and Article Discovery

Ebsco Discovery Service (EDS): Use this online platform to perform a single search across multiple library databases to find what content is available from the library.  It allows you to limit your results by peer-reviewed journals only.

eJournal by Title Full-text Finder: Use this feature in EDS to find whether the library has full-text access to a particular journal or periodical subscription in electronic format. Enter the name of the journal title in the search box and, if available, a results page will show the holdings information with the link(s) to access it from one or more databases.

Specialized and multidisciplinary databases and ejournal collections are available to help focus your research and identify academic journal and news sources for finding scholarly or academic articles on different topics related to foreign language teaching.

Multidisciplinary Databases & eJournal Collections

Specialized Databases

News Sources for Educational Professionals

Online Newspaper Databases