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Approved Users

McDermott Library provides academic resources and services to support teaching and research at the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) through the Dean of Faculty (DF). The following list describes pre-approved user types for McDermott Library:

  • Cadet - USAFA Cadets
  • Library Staff - McDermott Library Staff and Friends of the Air Force Academy Library Contractors
  • Faculty - USAFA Instructors, including Visiting Professors
  • USAFA Staff - USAFA Staff and DF Contractors

An individual not in a category on this list of pre-approved user types, as demonstrated by the applicable photo ID, but with access to the USAFA base and entitled to Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) services may apply for an account at the Base Library. The Base Library provides access to a variety of books (including OverDrive, current best sellers, eBooks, and audiobooks), media, online databases, and programming. 

An individual not in a pre-approved user group who requires access to McDermott Library's scholarly resources because their information needs are not met by the resources at the Base Library must request a written exception with justification from the Associate Dean of the Library. These approved Guest accounts will be limited to access as prescribed in the Associate Dean of the Library's memo, which will detail the user's name, whether or not online resource access is included, patron circulation type (level of borrowing privileges provided to their account), and an expiration date.