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Scholarly Communication

USAFA Scholars Hangar

Welcome! The USAFA McDermott Library is proud to host the Scholars Hangar, our Institutional Repository (IR), which is an online showcase of research, scholarship, and creativity from USAFA faculty, staff, and cadets. Scholars Hangar is a digital repository for capturing, archiving and, disseminating the research, creative, and scholarly output of the USAFA community.

The purpose of the Scholars Hangar is to:

  • Support academy research and scholarship
  • Promote scholarly communication through open access
  • Increase citation impact of research
  • Enhance visibility of faculty and cadet publications and presentations

How to Submit an Item to your Scholars Hangar Profile 

  • Create an account first using your Afacademy email
  • Login with your email and password
  • Follow the instructions from the tutorial above or follow the steps below
  • Submit only to your personal collection in the repository


1. Log in: Log in to Scholars Hangar repository using your credentials.

2. Navigate to Submission Interface: Once logged in, navigate to the submission interface. This interface is accessible from a toolbar on the left side of the screen. Click, "New" for a new submission, then, "Item".

3. Select Collection: Choose the collection where you want to add the item. Collections are typically organized by Division, then Department, and finally Individual.

4. Fill Metadata: Enter metadata for the item. Metadata may include title, author(s), abstract, keywords, and other descriptive information about the item.

5. Upload File: Upload the file(s) associated with the item. This could be a PDF, Word document, image, video, or most other file formats.

6. Add Additional Files (Optional): If your item consists of multiple files or supplementary materials, you can add them as additional files.

7. Deposit License: You must agree and confirm the deposit license before your deposit submission will be saved.

8. Review and Submit: Review the information you've entered to ensure accuracy and completeness. Once satisfied, submit the item for review or publication.

9. Confirmation: After submission, you should receive a confirmation message indicating that your item has been successfully added to the repository.

Why Contribute to Scholars Hangar Repository

The Scholars Hangar IR makes USAFA scholarship easily accessible and available in one online location, enabling increased access to the academy community, cadets, professional colleagues, and beyond.  Works placed in the repository are more easily discovered in common internet search engines (i.e. Google).  This greater access makes it easier for researchers around the world to discover your work.  Additionally, researches can cite these works with a permanent URL without concern for the disappearance or moving of online content.

Scholars Hangar is a valuable way to extend the scholarly output  of the United States Air Force Academy to include greater reach and increased circulation.  This increased visibility, awareness, and stability benefits both content creators and the academy. 

Increased Visibility: Scholars Hangar opens up the accessibility of your content, increasing its discoverability and usability by making it available through common online search tools, allowing the author to gain wider distribution of their scholarly output.  It complements traditional publishing and expedites immediate access to your scholarly work.

Archiving:  Scholars Hangar is archived and digitally preserved, relieving you and/or your department/unit of the need to upgrade digital files to keep up with technology.

Permanence: Scholars Hangar provides a stable URL to your publications so your research will always be findable.

Grant Requirements:  Submitting your works to the Scholars Hangar IR may satisfy requirements to publicly disseminate the results of grant generated research.

What Can be Contributed and How?

Contributions to Scholars Hangar include, peer-reviewed articles, conference proceedings, powerpoint presentations or tutorials, technical reports, white papers, data sets, recordings of presentations and speeches, research projects, research reports and other academy publications.

Considering contributing or have additional questions? Reach out to your subject librarian, Brooke Troutman, the scholarly communication librarian, or to the research services department of the library with inquiries. 

Self Archiving Policies