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Political Science

Writing and Citing

The resources below will help you to cite your research in Chicago/Turabian and other styles. If you have questions about citing, or need help getting started, please check with your instructor. For extra help, visit the Writing Center or make Online Appointment. The Library (Ask Us Librarians) can also provide basic help with creating citations.

The Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS)

As you look for Chicago Style citation help, be sure to find out which method your work requires and refer specifically to the guidance that applies to that method. Both your in-text citations and your reference lists/bibliographies will differ according to which version you use.


Turabian is the "Chicago Style" version for students, providing virtually the same citations as those presented in The Chicago Manual of Style. If you plan to use A Manual for Writers by Turabian, cross check the style guide for accuracy and review of formatting rules.

Chicago Manual: Style Examples

Notes and Bibliography Style

Author-Date Style

Other Citation Styles and Help


Zotero is a free, open source, easy-to-use citation management tool that helps you to collectmanagecite, and share your research sources. You'll want to be comfortable knowing what a correct Chicago Style or other citation look likes before generating them with Zotero, but it can save you a lot of time citing in your final paper.

Other Citation Management Tools

Writing and Research Publications

University Writing and Presentation Guides

Footnote Help